Why do you always write your crime novels from the male point of view?

When I first started writing fiction I wrote from the female character's point of view but often I found myself wanting to switch main characters from the female to the male in the novel. It wasn't until I started writing crime novels and Tide of Death and introduced Inspector Andy Horton that I found my 'voice' as they call it in writing parlance. Once I started writing from the male point of view everything began to fall into place.

I also prefer single person point of view which means that you follow the story through the eyes of Andy Horton in my marine mystery crime novels and through Adam Greene in my thriller, In Cold Daylight and Alex Albury in In For The Kill.

When people ask me why I write from the male character's point of view I often joke that maybe it's because I am a closet man. But I don't really know. Perhaps it's because I have worked in male dominated environments for most of my life, or perhaps it's because of my personality. Whatever it is, though, I don't think it matters, it's just the way I write and if people enjoy it - great!

You can listen to the interview on the right to hear more questions and answers about my novels. I'm talking to Rob Richardson on Express FM about how I write my marine mysteries.


Anonymous said…
Thanks for sharing the thoughts on the interesting topic.
Its a good experiment also to do that... :)
Pauline Rowson said…
You're welcome. I agree it's a good experiment. Sometimes you just have to write it and then see how it works. You know when something isn't quite working and you need to play around with it until it clicks.

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