Pauline Rowson talking to Julian Clegg on BBC Radio Solent

I was on BBC Radio Solent on 12 October 2017 talking to Julian Clegg about my crime novels which are set on the South Coast of England and about my forthcoming talks at Fordingbridge Library on 19 October and her appearance at CSI Southampton on Saturday 28 October.

You can listen to the interview on BBC iplayer.  I was on air at 7.50am.

October 2017 Pauline Rowson at BBC Radio Solent

Getting ready to go on air BBC Radio Solent with audio book Death Surge

October 2017 Pauline Rowson talking on air to Julian Clegg, BBC Radio Solent

19 October 2017 - Fordingbridge Library 2pm

Join Pauline Rowson at Fordingbridge Library to hear how she writes her popular crime novels set on the south coast of England. Tickets cost £5 from Fordingbridge Library, Round Hill, Fordingbridge SP6 1AQ  Telephone 01425 657524 or book online

28 October 2017 CSI Southampton 10am-12.30pm

Join crime authors Pauline Rowson and Graham Hurley and crime scene experts and detectives from Hampshire Police along with Hampshire Police Fingerprint team at CSI Southampton where crime fiction meets crime fact.  Venue: Southampton Library, Northguild Lecture Theatre, Central Library, Civic Centre, S014 7LW. Tickets: £9 includes £1 off a book purchased at the event for pre-booked tickets. Click here to buy tickets 

Audio book release Death Surge Pauline Rowson with Julian Clegg BBC Radio Solent

You can also listen to my previous interviews on BBC Radio Solent by clicking on the links below.

Listen to Pauline Rowson on BBC Radio  Solent July 2017

Listen to Pauline Rowson on BBC Radio Solent talking to Julian Clegg about her crime novels on 27 September 2016

Listen to Pauline Rowson talking to Julian Clegg BBC Radio Solent 7 June 2016

Listen to Pauline Rowson talking to Julian Clegg on BBC Radio Solent January 2016


Where to buy

Pauline Rowson's books USA

Pauline Rowson's books UK

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Also available as an ebook and on Amazon Kindle, Kobo and for loan from UK, USA, Irish and Commonwealth libraries


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